. One minuIn October, Halloween night to be exact, we found out that we are going to have another baby! We have since found out that the baby is a boy and he should be here around The 4th of July. One of my all time favorite holidays so I am pretty excited!!! An Independence Day baby. Swim party Birthdays, fireworks, watermelon and lots of friends and family. This little boy must be quite a force because he has put up a good fight. For nearly 15 weeks of the pregnancy, I was so sick and so tired (part of the reason for the blog hiatus) Sick to the point that one time, I even threw up while shopping at Wal-Mart. One minute I was fine, the next minute, I couldn't make it to the bathroom. In fact, a bathroom has NEVER been further away. I ended up throwing up a little bit in my purse, a little bit in my shirt and a lot in the ladies room trash can because that's as far as I could make it. So enough about me.
Christmas was awesome! John and Anna got matching BB Guns from Ryan. Anna's was pink and John's was a red rider classic from that movie A Christmas Story.
In January, John and I went on his school field trip to the Science Museum of Oklahoma.
We signed Anna up for her first team sport ever - soccer. Th season starts in two weeks.
And last but not least, yesterday or as Anna would say Yeshterday was mine and Ryan's 16th Wedding Anniversary.
16 years of marriage and exactly half of my life has been spent being married to and loving my husband. We have had a thousand laughs, a hundred tears, a few I want to quits and many more I never want this to end. Lots of mistakes, tons of happy memories and even more of we will get through this together. Two beautiful kids, one more on the way and many more happy years to come. So thankful for this wonderful, happy life that we have shared. Thankful that Ryan loves and takes care of our family. Thank you for still surprising me with sweet gifts, fun days out and random up all night watching movies and eating fried rice.